

Normally sensitive and reserved, Tin has an unnatural speed and is capable of far-reaching dashes. An unfortunate accident has left him transformed by the dark energies within the Prime Orb, so his fate lies in the paws of his best friend, Kuna. Tin may yet discover new abilities waiting to be unleashed.


A rolling daredevil, Kuna is capable of remarkable jumps. He is on a mission to save his friend Tin by traveling throughout their world. His mysterious species can roll into a ball and travel like a living pinball – or battering ram. When Kuna discovers power crystals that grant him new abilities, there’s no stopping him!

Dark Spirit of the
Primal Orb

An evil that has resided for ages inside the Primal Orb that was unleashed by Tin & Kuna, bringing chaos into the world.


Look out for exploding things! Push him around to help you blow stuff up.


Watch for this quick mover! if you time it right, bounce off his head to jump higher!


Don’t let this guy push you out of the way as he floats up behind you!


Floating slowly through the air watch out for electric shocks! Find the yellow crystal to harness his power!